Sales Page

Problem: A personal development coach was dissatisfied with his conversion rates (7%) and wanted to increase it. 

Solution: I checked his copy and it lacked an emotional connection with prospects. I leveraged the customer pain points and highlighted the benefits of his program in a way his audience couldn’t help but opt-in. 

Results: The 7% conversion rate climbed up to 29% in three months.


Problem: This highly successful money attraction coach almost had it all. Her cost per lead was less. She also had a proven audience and a proven offer (client sold the offer organically to 20-25% of her audience). But the problem was, people weren’t converting through webinar (hardly 4% conversion rate). They were watching it in full but were not buying in the end. 

Solution: I revised the copy for the webinar script and wrote it from scratch, thus making it more compelling. 

Result: Conversion rate increased to 15%-18% for cold audience.

Email Sequence:

Problem: Low open rate and zero conversions. 

Solution: I checked their entire funnel and pointed out that they were not targeting people who abandoned the items in their cart and wrote 2 abandoned cart email follow-ups. I also brought to their notice that they were not writing any upsell emails after someone made a purchase. So, I wrote a thank you email with an exclusive offer in the end. I also revised email subject lines and copies of existing email sequences.

Result: It increased internal revenue by 20% at the same expense. My upsell emails got 15 out of 100 of her ebook buyers to sign up for her masterclass. Changed headlines increased open rates. The revised email sequences gave an Increased response rate, engagement, and customer retention rate.